Happy Memorial Day! I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend and kept in mind the true purpose of this "holiday", which is remembering our fallen soldiers.
The new job is going well, although I face several challenges, including some severe office politics. I'm not very savvy when it comes to playing games and the "mid-westerner" in me finds it all rather ridiculous. I'm keeping my mouth shut and just concentrate on proving my worth.
Moving on to fun things. I was able to get quite a bit of stitching in this month, mainly because I didn't walk as much as I should have.
These are from 50 Cross Stitch Quickies Christmas by Leisure Arts and were indeed, quick to stitch

A couple of bats for a friend that is "batty" for bats. One is a Mill Hill kit and the other is a Brooke's Books pattern that I adapted to match the Mill Hill Kit.

Some Lizzie Kate patterns

Father's Day card for my dad and birthday card for my hubby.

Santa Hootie by Pinoy Stitch
Pacifier for a friend having a boy in July
And the last of the Blackyrose patters, this one in DMC 104
I also finished some pieces I started in previous months

Not sure if I'll finish anything else this month, but I'll post an update later in the week with my year to date summary and any other pieces I may finish.
Oh, here's the finished graduation cards

Happy Stitching!