Hello everyone,
April was a wonderful month for me as I finally got a job!!! And while I am very excited about this,I know that it will cut into my stitching time. Dangit! The new job starts on the 30th and it is a wonderful opportunity. I also plan on putting some serious effort into losing weight, which means more exercise and, you guessed it, less stitching. It's ok, I really need to get the weight off and the summer will give me a great start.
On to the stitching goodness, thanks, as always, to Heather at Stitching Lotus, for sponsoring this SAL.

Here's a birthday card for my dad, who turns 80 this year.
Here's a Hootie, because it has been far too long since I stitched a Hootie. This will be part of a birthday present for a friend.
More of the Mill Hill Zodiac patterns.

And a graduation card for my niece. Only one this year, as opposed to the 5 MILLION I made last year. (Ok, maybe not quite 5 million, but it sure seemed like it when I was stitching them last year)
And finally, a few pieces I started last month and finished this month.

Still a few days left in the month, so I may get a couple more done.
Happy stitching!