Happy unemployment! I started or made progress on 31 pieces and (drum roll please) finished all 31. Fourteen of these were originally started in 2016 and five were starting in 2017. Here are my last finishes
One of three cat Christmas card by Vervaco. I will finish the other two in February. This was a 2016 start.
The last four Hooties from Hooties Year Round by Pinoy Stitch. I am so happy to have these done as I also started them in 2016.

One of the many things I have been doing with all my spare time is reviewing my UFOs. I did a start a day for the entire year of both 2016 and 2017 and I have 55 unfinished projects from 2017 (6 of which I have decided I will not complete). I have 68 UFOs from 2016, 14 of which I will not complete ( I may add more to this). My goal for this year is to get as many of these completed as possible. I not only want to finish the stitching, but I actually want to finish the projects. Unless something is a card, I have a tendency to only finish the stitching.
Speaking of cards, below are some pictures of pieces I completed this month, finished as cards

And a few pieces I finished last year or in 2016, again, turned into cards

Happy Stitching!