Happy almost New Year everyone! After taking some time off for the holidays, I am back at it and motivated for 2014. I stitched a cute little card for my niece's birthday and of course forgot to take a picture of the finished card. Here's a picture of the cross stitch portion.
The card was orange and I put black cardstock behind the cross stitch to frame it. She plays soccer and her club colors are orange and black.
I also spent some time on my Artecy project, Rainforest. I had posted a picture back in October of my progress and below is updated as of 12/28/2013
I added quite a bit in the bottom left corner. The finished project is 16 1/2 " (230 stitches) wide by 11" (153 stitches) high and I am roughly 20% done. I'd like to finish it by the end of 2014...but there are still an awful lot of stitches to go.
Hope everyone has a great New Year.
You know this is a really great skill to have. I wish i was this good at something. Anyhow, lovely post. Will look forward to more great stuff.