Hello and welcome to October. The first snow of the season is due Thursday and I wish I could be home stitching. Sadly, I'll be at work dealing with crazy people who think that two inches of snow means shop like they are going to be snowbound for a month. The joys of retail!!
Enough whining, it's time for some stitchy news. I started three projects this month and finished two of them. I plan on using these two trees and the one I finished last month on one card.

I did finish a few other pieces that were started earlier this year

I'm trying to stitch Halloween themed projects only this month and have three new starts so far. I also want to assemble the cards for the Christmas pieces I have stitched this year. I have close to 50, so I may not get them all done this month. Wish me luck.
I almost forgot, year to date progress
106 finishes out of 133 starts.
Happy Stitching,