I'm finally posting my October and year to date progress.
I managed three more finishes on Halloween. October stitching wouldn't be complete with out a black cat!
The last of the Farmhouse Christmas series from Little House Needleworks. I've enjoyed stitching this series, but will be glad to send it off to World of Charity Stitching so it can be made into a quilt.
And another cute reindeer by Daffy Cat. Just a few more Christmas pieces to stitch and then I need to do some major card assembly.

Year to date...for those keeping track, I may have miscounted slightly in prior months. The below numbers are accurate as of 10/31.
198 finishes out of 203 starts
1 finish from a 2015 start
29 finishes from 2016 starts
28 finishes from 2017 starts
140 finishes from 2018 starts
I'm going to attempt to finish the 5 unfinished starts from this year and then finish any new projects I start before starting another project. I may not succeed as one of my 2018 starts is driving me crazy, to the point where I may just give up on it and throw it away. And this would only be through the end of the year as I'll have a start a day again for Jan-March, 2019.
I also have about 50 Christmas pieces I need to turn into cards and time is running out to get these done.
Happy Early Thanksgiving,