Hello and Happy Stitching!
It is time for the monthly Smalls SAL update. Thanks, as always to Heather at Stitching Lotus for sponsoring this.
I finished the last two Vervaco Cat Christmas cards. These were UFOs from 2016.

A couple Valentine finishes.

And my month would not be complete without some Hooties!

And here's three more 2017 UFOs

And some 2016 UFOs

I even finished a UFO from 2015!
And shockingly, I had some new starts this month

As of today, I have 25 starts and 21 finishes for the month. Of the finishes, 7 were started this year, 9 were started in 2017, 4 were started in 2016 and 1 was started in 2015. I hope to have 4 more finishes before the month is over. I'm making great progress on my 2018 Christmas and birthday cards.
Sadly, no job, but I remain every hopeful and continue to love all my stitching time.