Hello friends,
Sorry I'm a day late posting, but yesterday was my birthday and in between people wishing me "Happy Birthday" and needing to actually work, I had no time to spare for a post.
In honor of my birthday, it was my 50th, I dyed my hair purple.
The picture does not do it justice, but it's a silvery purple color. I'm a natural strawberry blonde and my hair stylist had to bleach my hair first to "tame the red". I've never dyed my hair before and while I like the color, I'm not sure if I'll ever dye it again.
On to "stitchy" updates and as always, thanks to Heather at Stitching Lotus for sponsoring the monthly SAL check in. I overcame some of my technical challenges and was able to add a link directly to her blog on mine. Be impressed people; while I am great with excel and word, I'm not great at this "blog" stuff!
Wow, I guess I finished a lot of projects this month.
Lots of co-workers having babies, so lots of baby cards to make. The pacifiers are by Ellen Maurer-Stroh and the Heffalump was a freebie from some magazine.

And lots of friends with February and March birthdays, all of which like purple! I designed these patterns myself.

Freebie Lizzie*Kate pattern and the balloons birthday card is from a sale on my Etsy shop.
These two pieces are for WOCS.
And finally a Mill Hill Kit. All of the above projects were starts or WIPs from Debbie's Ultimate Crazy January Challenge. This year's challenge has kept me focused on planning ahead when it comes to birthday cards, etc. AND, I've already started my Christmas cards for the year! Last year I made over 60 Christmas cards (most of which went to WOCS) and it takes a lot of planning to get them all done.
Dad update, he gets his cast off today and will stay at rehab for another week to learn to navigate with a boot and to continue to build strength. Next weekend we take him back to South Dakota and he will stay with my brother until he is able to live on his own again. He's been a trooper through this whole ordeal and is more than ready to get on with the next stage of his recovery. To every one out there with aging parents, or just their own aging body ( I did say I am 50 now), keep your body strong!
Happy Stitching