Hello and Happy almost Halloween. I'm on vacation this week and enjoying myself immensely. My youngest son is on fall break from school and I always take the week off. We never go anywhere, it's just a great chance to sleep late and stitch up a storm...which means I should call it a "stitch-cation", not a vacation. The month was a busy one for me as I'm working on Christmas cards for not only WOCS, but also for myself. Thanks as always, to Heather at Stitching Lotus for sponsoring the Smalls SAL, which encourages me to post my progress.
These two pieces are larger than my normal smalls, but still less than 7 x 5 so I'll include them. They are Dragon of Earth and Dragon of Water from Dragon Dreams. I discovered this website a couple of months ago and finally made some time to start stitching them. No idea what I'll do with the finished pieces, but they were fun to stitch. Sometimes, I get so busy stitching cards or projects for other people, that I forget to stitch something "just for fun".

It's hard to tell, but this was stitched on 28 count white with metallic silver threads incorporated. Looks great in person but a bear to stitch due to the metallic threads.
I modified the original pattern for these ornaments ( I don't remember where I got it from) into several color variations and added beads in place of confetti stitches. I also used metallic floss in lieu of normal floss for the clasp and "thread" suspending the ornaments. The pictures aren't great; they look much better in person.
These are part of a kit from Bucilla. It's a very old kit I purchased off Ebay and has 12 different Santa's.
Pattern from Daily Cross Stitch, which will be a card for a co-worker
And finally, a couple of projects that I finished and gave away. The baby card on the left ( sorry it's facing the wrong direction) is for a co-worker that had a baby girl and the music was for a co-worker that loves music and the color blue. I have since discovered that she likes cats, so I'm set for card ideas for a few years to come.
Whew, what a busy month! My next few days will be spent on a few more Christmas cards and then actually assembling the cards. I've got over 40 to make and it will take me several days to plan my layouts, cut the paper and then glue everything together.
Hope ya'll have a great Halloween and happy stitching!